Helpful Ubuntu Shell Commands
Below you will find a variety of common Linux commands. My distribution of choice is Ubuntu Server, so all commands will work on Ubuntu and Debian Linux.
Many of the following commands should work for other Linux distributions such as Redhat as well, although some commands are different.
Helpful Ubuntu Shell Commands
Make a tarball archive file with the following command.
tar -czvf tarball-name.tgz directory-name
tar -czvf archive.tgz archive
Extract a tarball archive file with the following command.
tar -xzvf file name
tar -xzvf archive.tgz
Truncate a file.
> /path/to/file/filename
Example: Truncate Mail for a certain user.
> /var/mail/username
Clear filesystem cache, dentries, and inodes.
echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
##Remove a Service from System Startup.
update-rc.d -f service name remove
update-rc.d -f nginx
Add a Service to System Startup
update-rc.d service name defaults
update-rc.d nginx defaults
Add a Service to Startup with a specific priority level
update-rc.d service name defaults priority level
update-rc.d nginx defaults 75
##Find all packages installed for a specific service
dpkg -l | grep service name
dpkg -l | grep maria
Remove specific packages installed for a service.
Some might remain after apt-get remove, or were installed differently.
apt-get purge service name
apt-get purge mariadb-server-5.5
Drupal Related Shell Commands
Secure your Drupal files and folders with a few simple commands.
Thanks Greggles!
Replace greg
with your username.
cd /path_to_drupal_installation
chown -R greg:www-data .
find . -type d -exec chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o= '{}' \;
find . -type f -exec chmod u=rw,g=r,o= '{}' \;