Space Jawns

Space Jawns is a classic style space shooter game series that I am developing in C# for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android currently. It’s a development project I started after seeing the stale state of the Steam games library during the Christmas sale of 2014. I noticed just about every game available was available for purchase for “early access”. In my day, games were put out in Alpha and Beta releases to get the bugs out and to get the community’s feedback. Some of the companies who have sold their games for early access have not followed through with completing them, essentially stealing people’s money. This made me wonder how hard it is to actually make a video game if so many peopl were making half games and not finishing them. This is when I found the Unity 3D Editor and the rest is history.
Space Jawns now has it’s own website and a dedicated team of testers in it’s Alpha release. Space Jawns is free to play in both Alpha and Beta releases, as well as through the Version 1 release up to Level 10. After that you will have to buy your pilot’s license to continue to the higher levels and bosses.